
公共安全部门 & Police is responsible for enforcing traffic laws and parking regulations at the Arnold campus and the Arundel Mills parking lot. These regulations are designed to protect the safety of our students, faculty, staff and visitors.

马里兰州车辆法,道路规则-第21篇,第101节.1(2) states that a person who uses a motor vehicle on community college property must obey the rules of the road as if they were on a highway or roadway in the state of Maryland.


  1. 大学停车规则.
  2. 马里兰州车辆法.

查看官方流量 & 停车政策.



  • 以安全的方式操作和停放车辆.
  • Properly display valid parking permits on their vehicles (faculty/staff only).
  • Park only in marked spaces and within the boundary of the parking space.
  • Notify the 公共安全和警察局 immediately if their vehicles becomes disabled and remove that vehicle as soon as possible. 被遗弃的车辆将被移走,费用由车主承担.
  • 遵守学校的交通和停车规定. 不这样做的人可能会失去在校园内停车的权利.
  • 让路给行人.


在工作日的营业时间, 学生可在A地段的任何车位停车, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J和M, 不包括:

  • Those areas posted or marked as reserved for the physically disabled, 装货区, 访客及摩托车停车场
  • Those areas marked by cones or other temporary markings as being reserved
  • 那些张贴或标记为保留给教职员工的区域
  • 那些被漆成蓝色的区域, 红漆围板, 路面上的地段入口标志及/或钢印文字

晚上7点以后.m., Monday through Friday, parking is allowed in faculty/staff parking spaces. 停车 is allowed in all reserved parking spaces all day Saturday and Sunday, except those designated for the physically disabled or as 装货区.


校园内的无障碍停车位数量有限. Do not use an accessible parking space unless you have a permit issued in your name. Maryland law requires all persons having a permit to display it on the rear-view mirror and to carry with them the application for the permit.

法律和大学政策赋予警察, or any other person authorized by a political subdivision the authority enforces, 为了加强这一点. College 公共安全及警务 officers have the right to ask anyone parked in a disabled space to show the application for the permit. 如果你不能提交申请, 或者申请用的是别人的名字, 警察会建议你把车从空地上挪开. Any person who violates the provisions of this section of the motor vehicle law is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine.

Temporary handicap parking permits can be obtained through 公共安全及警务 for students, faculty or staff who have physical disabilities but lack state-issued license plates or hang tags. 医生的书面证明是必需的.



教职员工必须正确展示当前的停车许可证, 在教职员工允许的停车位停车时, 他们每天停在学校的车上. Faculty and staff permits are available in the 公共安全及警务 office. 更换的费用是10美元. Permits are provided and administered by the 公共安全和警察局.

All lost, stolen or destroyed permits must be reported immediately to 公共安全及警务. If you find a permit you had reported lost or stolen, return it to 公共安全及警务. Such permits are considered revoked; a vehicle may be ticketed and towed if it displays a revoked permit. The college reserves the right to revoke/recall a parking permit at any time.

Faculty/staff permits must be hung and displayed from the rearview mirror, with the number facing forward and clearly visible through the windshield.

Temporary permits must be displayed on the driver's side front corner of the dashboard.

For a motorcycle/moped, affix the parking permit to any conspicuous area of the vehicle.

Full-time employees may request a parking permit through Self-服务 (under Required Agreements) on MyAACC. 兼职员工和兼职教师可以下载 停车许可证表格, complete it and submit it to the 公共安全和警察局 via email 或者公司内部邮件.



  • 停在草地上
  • 超车的:停在停车位线(有标记的边界)上的
  • 乱扔垃圾


  • 没有显示有效许可证
  • 出示过期、遗失、被盗或被吊销的许可证
  • 非法停在残疾人专用车位上
  • 非法停放在保留的或教职员工的空间
  • 停在装卸区或消防车道
  • 人行道上的:在人行道上停车或开车的
  • 堵住消防栓
  • 在指定的禁止停车区域内停车
  • 无视单向标
  • 超速行驶
  • 不给行人让路
  • 以不安全的方式驾驶
  • 没有在停车标志前停车
  • 逆车流行驶或停车
  • 未在道路上行驶的部分行驶
  • 越过双黄线超车
  • 无人看管的仍在运行的机动车辆
  • 妨碍交通
  • 没有把车停在指定的停车位
  • 停在黄色的路边



Fines must be paid within 28 calendar days of the issuance of the violation. 滞纳金10美元将从第29天开始征收. This late penalty will be assessed every 14 days until the fine has been paid or a maximum fine of $100 has been reached.

All payments must be made at the Cashier’s Office, Student 服务 Center Room 120. 您可以拨打410-777-2236到收银处.

All grades, transcripts, and diplomas will be withheld until the fines have been paid.


AACC citations can be appealed within 14 days from the date the citation was issued. 申诉将由申诉专员审查. 在上诉被评估后, a final decision of either “Granted” or “Denied” will be electronically submitted to the email address provided on the appeal form.

如果初审上诉被驳回, you may file a second and final appeal to the 交通 Appeal Committee. This appeal must be in writing and received in the DPSP office within 14 calendar days from the date of the initial denial email. 第二次上诉必须附上拒绝邮件的副本.

如果委员会拒绝你的上诉, you have 14 calendar days from the date of the second denial letter to pay the fine or late fees will be added. If not paid, a “Business Office Hold” will be placed on the student or employee account. 最后的权力属于这个委员会.

您可以通过填写一份 校园访客网上呼吁, or returning it to the college office location that you received the citation. The college office will then forward it immediately with an explanation to the 公共安全及警务 Office.

The college reserves the right to remove any vehicle found on campus that is:

  • 堵塞消防通道或消防栓的.
  • 堵塞道路、车道、装货区或垃圾箱.
  • 在预留车位停车.
  • 在车道上停车.
  • 使用已报失或被盗的许可证.
  • 在残疾人区非法停车.
  • Illegally parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard to vehicular and pedestrian traffic or to the movement or operation of emergency equipment.
  • Considered abandoned per Maryland Vehicle Code § 25-201 – meaning it has been on private property for more than 48 hours without consent of the owner or person in control of the property.












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