
Anne Arundel 社区 College (“college”) is committed to providing and maintaining a working and learning environment in which every employee and student is evaluated on the merits of the employee’s or student’s performance without nepotism, 利益冲突, 剥削和/或偏袒.

I. 目的

This policy is established to permit relatives or individuals in a personal relationship to be employed by the college and enroll in courses offered by the college while 促进 fairness and preventing 利益冲突 that may be caused by nepotism, 剥削和/或偏袒.

II. 适用范围及适用性

这项政策适用于所有学生, 教职员工, 包括临时雇员, 合同员工, 学生雇员和兼职教员.

3. 定义

A. 裙带关系 is favoritism or the appearance of favoritism in the workplace or educational environment based on kinship, 这通常包括就业, 基于家庭或个人关系的教育或其他决定.

B. Relative是指有血缘关系的人, 采用, 或者婚姻, including a spouse; child or step-child; parent, 继父或继母, or spouse’s parent; sibling, 同父异母的弟弟, 同母异父的妹妹, or spouse’s sibling; grandparent, step-grandparent, or spouse’s grandparent; grandchild, step-grandchild, or spouse’s grandchild; aunt or uncle or spouse’s aunt or uncle; or niece or nephew or spouse’s niece or nephew.

C. 个人关系意味着生活在同一个家庭, 拥有亲密关系, or any other relationship that would give rise to a substantial appearance of impropriety or lack of reasonable objectiveness. 就本定义而言, intimate relationship means an interpersonal relationship that involves emotional or physical intimacy, 包括但不限于, 浪漫的,激情的依恋或性行为.

D.  Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship is a relationship in which an employee reports to another employee or otherwise participates directly in making personnel decisions regarding another employee.

E.  Faculty-student relationship is a relationship in which a student receives academic instruction from a faculty member or in which the faculty member participates in decisions affecting a student’s academic record.

IV. Supervisor-subordinate关系

A.  The college may employ individuals who are relatives or have a personal relationship as long as the individuals do not have a supervisor-subordinate relationship.

B.  The college prohibits an employee from having a supervisor-subordinate relationship with a relative or individual with whom the employee has a personal relationship.

C.  雇员不得作出, 参与, or attempt to influence employment or other business decisions involving an employee who is a Relative or is an individual with whom the employee has a personal relationship, 包括但不限于招聘决策, 促进, 监督, 管教, 评估, 补偿, 指导工作, 设定工作时间, 或者设定其他雇佣条件, such as approval of expenditure of college funds or use of college resources.

V. 教员-学生关系

A.  A student may enroll in courses at the college as long as the student does not have a faculty-student relationship with a relative or an individual with whom the student has a personal relationship.

B.  The college prohibits a faculty member from 拥有亲密关系 with a student who is under the age of eighteen (18), 不管有没有师生关系.

C.  The college discourages a faculty member from 拥有亲密关系 with an adult student, 即使没有师生关系.

D.  The college prohibits a faculty member from having a faculty-student relationship with a relative or individual with whom the faculty member has or develops a personal relationship.

E.  教员不得评价学生的学术工作, make changes to a student’s academic record or 参与 or attempt to influence decisions involving a student who is a relative or is an individual with whom the faculty member has a personal relationship, 包括但不限于评分, 评估学生作业, 授予学分或证书的, graduating or participating in other activities in which a student is engaged at the college.

VI. 报告

A.  Any employee who has or is hired or transferred to a position in which a supervisor-subordinate relationship exists with a relative or an individual with whom the employee has a personal relationship must report the relationship to the executive director of 人力资源 as soon as practical, but in no event later than ten (10) business days of the supervisor-subordinate relationship coming into existence.

B.  If a Personal Relationship develops between employees who are in a supervisor-subordinate relationship, the employees must report the relationship to the executive director of 人力资源 as soon as practical, but in no event later than ten (10) business days of the personal relationship coming into existence.

C.  Any faculty or student who becomes aware that a student is enrolled in a course in which the student has a faculty-student relationship with a faculty member who is a relative or with whom the student has a personal relationship must report the relationship to the dean of the school in which the faculty member is assigned as soon as practical, 但无论如何不得迟于课程开始日期后的十(10)个工作日.

D.  If a personal relationship develops between a faculty member and an adult student during the course, the faculty member must report the relationship to the dean of the school in which the faculty member is assigned as soon as practical.

E.  不报告可能导致纪律处分, 直至并包括终止或开除学院, 按照程序.

F.  收到报告后, the executive director of 人力资源 or the dean of the school in which the faculty member is assigned will resolve the situation 按照程序.

The board of trustees hereby authorizes the president (or designee) to develop, 保持和保持潮流 适当的程序 实现和执行此策略.


政策的标题: 裙带关系和个人关系政策  

政策类别: 人力资源

政策的所有者: 学习资源管理副总裁

策略管理员: 人力资源执行董事

联系信息: 苏珊·波伊尔; slboyer1@xoxozerol.net; 410-777-2045

批准日期: 2021年5月11日

有效日期: 2021年5月11日

历史: May 12, 2009 (effective 60 days from the date of revision), revised October 12, 1999; 2021年5月11日                                        

适用于: 全体教职员工和学生

相关政策: N/A

相关程序: 裙带关系 & 个人关系程序