
I.    目的

A.    The purpose of this 先前学习考试的学分转移 Policy (“Policy”) is to establish the rules regarding the award academic credit for 先前学习考试, 定义如下, 最全菠菜网院(“学院”).

II.    适用范围及适用性

A.    This Policy applies to Students who wish to be awarded academic credit for 先前学习考试, 定义如下. 

B.    This Policy does not apply to credit from other Non-Traditional Sources, 定义如下.

3.    定义

A.    Catalog means the official reference for the College’s academic programs, 课程, 以及学术规定.

B.    Credit for Prior Learning means credit granted toward the award of a certificate or degree for experiential learning that can be shown through various means of assessment to be the equivalent of learning gained through formal collegiate instruction, 包括先前学习考试 and Non-Traditional Sources.

C.    Elective means any course among the College’s credit 课程 of instruction that does not meet a General Education Requirement or 项目需求 in a student’s selected 学习计划.

D.    Faculty means subject matter experts on a specific program of study, 包括教师, 教学专家, 院长和助理院长. 教员不包括非学术人员.

E.    General Education Requirement means a course that is classified as part of the foundational, interdisciplinary curriculum fostering knowledge, 技能, 以及批判性思维的视角, 全球意识, 终身学习, and community engagement offered or accepted by the College as meeting the general education program requirements under Maryland law.

F.    Non-Traditional Sources include military experience, 生活和工作经历, clinical practice and cooperative education experiences, 通过衔接协议授予学分, 职业规划中的技术课程, 程序路径, 能力评估, 部门检查, 项目组合评估, 先前学习考试, and any other Credit for Prior Learning deemed acceptable by the College.

G.    Official Score Report means a score report received directly from a Testing Agency. 

H.    先前学习考试 include Advanced Placement Program Examinations (“AP”), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma Examinations (“AICE”), College-Level Examination Program Examinations (“CLEP”), 国际学士学位 Diploma Program Examinations (“IB”), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (“唐太斯”) Subject Standardized Tests (“DSST”), and any other standardized examination deemed acceptable by the College. 

I.    学习计划, 也被称为major, means a structured and coherent course of study with clearly defined learning objectives and intended student learning outcomes, leading to the award of a certificate or degree, that requires the completion of a specified number of course credits from among a prescribed group of General Education Requirements, 选修课, 和/或课程要求课程.

J.    项目需求 means any course required to complete a Student's selected 学习计划.

K.    Student means an individual who has completed an admissions application with the College.

L.    测试机构指的是美国大学理事会, 唐太斯, 国际学士学位, 或剑桥国际.

IV.    授予信用

A.    The College may award academic credit for scores of three (3) or higher on AP exams, 50或更高的CLEP, AICE的C或更高, IB成绩5(5)以上, DSST为400或更高, and scores for any other standardized examination deemed acceptable by the College.

B.    Faculty will review the Prior Learning Examination content to determine course and credit equivalencies and acceptable scores, in accordance with the 先前学习考试的学分转移 Procedure.

C.    Course and credit equivalencies and acceptable scores will be set forth in the Catalog.

D.    Credit awarded under this Policy will be classified as a General Education Requirement, 项目需求, or an Elective credit dependent upon the Student’s active 学习计划 at the time of evaluation. 

E.    In the event the 学习计划 does not require the credit which the student seeks, 不授予学分.

F.    A maximum of thirty (30) credits towards a degree or certificate may be earned through Non-Traditional Sources of credit across all categories of Credit for Prior Learning, 包括先前学习考试.

G.    The College may award credit under this Policy based on the Student’s score on the Prior Learning Examination as set forth in the Catalog at the time the Official Score Report is received by the College.

H.    Credit for 先前学习考试 will follow nationally accepted standards for the notation of such credit on the Student’s transcript.

V.    异常

A.    If a 学习计划 requires more than sixty (60) credits, the maximum number of credits towards a degree or certificate, earned through Non-Traditional Sources across all categories of Credit for Prior Learning, 包括先前学习考试, 可能超过三十(30)学分, but is limited to half the total credits required for that 学习计划.

B.    Pursuant to the College’s academic regulations concerning transfer credit, 不授予学分 if equivalent or similar credit has already been awarded through coursework completed at or accepted by the College.

政策的标题:  先前学习考试的学分转移 Policy

政策类别:  学术事务

政策的所有者:  副校长兼教务长

策略管理员:  注册商

联系信息:  transfercredit@xoxozerol.net; 410-777-2834

批准日期: 2024年3月12日

有效日期:  2024年3月14日

历史:  10月10日通过的暂行政策. 1, 2022

适用于:  所有的老师,学生,员工

相关政策:  N/A

相关程序:  先前学习考试的学分转移 Procedure



  • COMAR 13 b.06.01.01, seq.
  • COMAR 13 b.06.02.01, seq.
  • 代码,建造., §11-207